Monday, December 5, 2011

Find cross references for electronic components

SiliconExpert’s has launched a new part search tool to identify crosses for more than 185 million electronic components. Cross references are grouped into distinct categories, with upgrades and downgrades identified.  Users can select up to 42 attributes per product.  The tool finds the number of crosses available for each part alongside the part number and lists the similarities with the original part.  Similarities are categorized into three levels.  No differences, minor differences, and major differences. 

The tools also offers parts at risk and lifecycle statuses, multi-sourcing, available inventory, and environmental compliance data such as REACH, RoHS, and the WEEE directives. Certificates of Compliance (CoCs), Material Declarations and Product Change Notifications (PCNs) are also listed.

Pricing information is not available online, but is an annual subscription based on the number of users.

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